All in guitar jack guitars bass guitar Musical Instruments & Accessories

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket with jack plate and mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the jack socket ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass... ... more

Description This is a set of pickup output input jack socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to install... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to... ... more

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Description This is a set of pickup output input jack socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to install... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket with jack plate and mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the jack socket ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to install... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to... ... more

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Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to install... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to... ... more

Description This is a set of pickup output input socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to install without... ... more

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Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to install... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket with jack plate and mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the jack socket ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to install... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket with jack plate and mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the jack socket ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket with jack plate and mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the jack socket ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket with jack plate and mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the jack socket ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass... ... more

Description This is a set of pickup output input jack socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to install... ... more

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Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to install... ... more

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Description This is a set of pickup output input socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to install without... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to... ... more

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Description This is a set of pickup output input jack socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to install... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket with jack plate and mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the jack socket ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket with jack plate and mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the jack socket ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket with jack plate and mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the jack socket ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to install... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket with jack plate and mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the jack socket ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket with jack plate and mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the jack socket ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket with jack plate and mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the jack socket ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass... ... more

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Description This is a set of pickup socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to install without extra tools.... ... more

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Description This is a set of pickup output input socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to install without... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket with jack plate and mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the jack socket ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input jack socket with jack plate and mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the jack socket ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass... ... more

Description This is a set of 1/4 inch pickup output input socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to install... ... more

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Description This is a set of pickup output input socket plate with mounting screws made of rigid and strong iron and copper with plating the screws ensure great durability. It can work with most electric guitar and bass pickups easy to install without... ... more